Top 10 Data Center Stories for February 2022

March 1, 2022
Hyperscale computing, the Northern Virginia market and edge computing deployments were the big newsmakers in February at Data Center Frontier. Here are the 10 most popular stories for February 2022.

Hyperscale computing, the Northern Virginia market and edge computing deployments were the big newsmakers in February at Data Center Frontier.

Our series of stories on growth in Loudoun County featured two of the top three reader favorites for the month, with the top story being Meta’s plans to build a nearly 1 million SF data center in Idaho. Development updates from Apple, AWS and Google also drew strong reader interest, as did Akamai’s acquisition of Linode to pursue a “cloud-to-edge” growth strategy.

Here are the 10 most popular stories on Data Center Frontier in February 2022, in order of article views:

Education is part of our mission at Data Center Frontier. In our Voices of the Industry feature, we share the experience of data center executives on the front lines of innovation. Here’s a look at the most popular Voices columns for DCF readers last month:

Be sure to check out all of our Voices columns, including insights from Service Express and Park Place Technologies.

Keep pace with the fact-moving world of data centers and cloud computing by following us on Twitter and Facebook, connecting with Data Center Frontier editor Rich Miller on LinkedIn, and signing up for our weekly newspaper using the form below.

About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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