Sabey Data Centers Plans 70 Megawatt Expansion in Quincy Cloud Cluster

Feb. 1, 2022
Sabey Data Centers has broken ground on a 70-megawatt expansion of its SDC Quincy campus in central Washington, with a “major service provider” serving as the anchor tenant.

Sabey Data Centers has broken ground on a 70-megawatt expansion of its SDC Quincy campus in central Washington, the company said today. The project has a “major service provider” serving as the anchor tenant, and Sabey expects the initial phase of construction to to be ready for commissioning in the second half of 2022.

The project introduces Sabey’s next generation design, which will  increases the ratio of data center to core space, support high-density deployments, and incorporates sustainable approaches to construction, including a reduced reliance on carbon-intensive concrete.

“Our new design innovations continue the company’s history of leadership in responsible, sustainable, energy-efficient design, construction, and operations,” said John Sasser, CTO of Sabey Data Centers. “In Quincy and in our data center facilities across the country, Sabey continues to offer a unique combination of renewable energy, industry-leading power efficiency, and customer-focused operations.”

Central Washington is notable for its ample supply of cheap, green hydro power served by the Columbia River Basin, which at 3.5 cents per kilowatt hour has some of the cheapest rates available in the United States. The area is also ideal for the use of fresh air in data center cooling systems, which allows facilities to operate without energy-hungry chillers.

Sabey Data Centers operates more than 4 million square feet of mission-critical space, making it one of the largest privately-held multi-tenant data center operators in the United States, with campuses in Northern Virginia (Ashburn), Manhattan and three sites across the Pacific Northwest. The company is a joint venture between Sabey Corporation and National Real Estate Advisors (NREA).

About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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