The Top 10 Data Center Stories for April 2020

May 4, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic dominated the news in April, as the data center industry serve as a lifeline to the global economy. Pandemic response were 8 of the 10 most popular stories at DCF.

The COVID-19 pandemic continued to dominate the news in April, as the services delivered by the data center industry continued to serve as a lifeline to the global economy. Our in-depth pandemic coverage accounted for 8 of the 10 most popular stories during the month, with Vantage Data Centers’ acquisition of NGD and the trend toward high-density racks filling out the top 10.

Here are the 10 most popular stories on Data Center Frontier in March 2020, in order of article views:.

Voices of the Industry

In April, Data Center Frontier’s guest column series, Voices of the Industry, featured insight from leaders from DataBank, Anord Mardix, Telescent, Sabey Data Centers, EdgeConneX and Cyxtera. Here are the Voices columns that were most popular with DCF readers last month.:

  • Now, More Than Ever, Remote Management of Data Centers is Essential (DataBank): If ever there was a time for data center owner-operators and their customers to embrace automation and remote monitoring of their infrastructure, that time is now. Lance Devin, Chief Information Officer at EdgeConneX, highlights how in today’s climate, remote management capabilities for data centers have become even more critical.
  • Don’t Let Busway Be the Weak Link in Your DC Electrical Safety Chain (Anord Mardix): Andy Banks, Director of Databar Sales (North America) for Anord Mardix, explores in detail how the Busway can efficiently and  effectively distribute power throughout a data center environment. By designing safety directly into the components being installed on live busway, operators can minimize risks associated with busway installation and maintenance and prevent electrical accidents.
  • Bringing Automation to Physical Fiber Cross Connects (Telescent): Bob Shine, VP of Product Management and Marketing at Telescent, explores ways to automate physical fiber cross connects. Automation ensures the integrity of the testing process, connectivity records and measurement results.

Keep pace with the fact-moving world of data centers and cloud computing by following us on Twitter and Facebook, connecting with Data Center Frontier editor Rich Miller on LinkedIn, and signing up for our weekly newspaper using the form below.

About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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