How Microgrids Can Modernize The Grid

June 28, 2022
The reliability of the U.S. electric grid has taken center stage as increasingly powerful storms and more frequent natural disasters have revealed grid vulnerabilities. Learn why microgrids are the new highly resilient, carbon-neutral backup generation solution for today’s technology ecosystems.

People often think of the US power grid as a single entity, but it’s a much more complex, dynamic ecosystem made up of asset owners, manufacturers, service providers, and federal, state, and local government officials. Ensuring the sustainability and reliability of this critical piece of infrastructure has taken center stage as increasingly powerful storms and more frequent natural disasters have revealed grid vulnerabilities. Microgrids are an ideal solution because they can provide much needed resilience and they’re better for the environment than the diesel generators traditionally used as a backup power source.

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The State of the Grid: Improving Energy Solutions for Evolving Digital Infrastructure Power Needs, featuring Enchanted Rock, explains why microgrids are the new highly resilient, carbon-neutral backup generation for today’s technology ecosystems. Check out our recent article series focused on the special report:

The State of the Grid: Understanding the Power Paradigm Shift: There is a shift happening in the data center industry as leaders reevaluate power delivery, sustainability and new energy sources. In this article, we explore this power paradigm shift and provide a quick look at microgrid use-cases.

The State of the Grid: Time for a Refresh: In the second article in our series, we look at why it’s time for the electric grid to be refreshed, generators and diesel power, and resiliency in the digital age. We also explain how the microgrid-as-a-service model can provide a modern microgrid solution to customers without them having to actually interact with the system.

The Makings of a Modern Microgrid: This article outlines the many things that microgrids can accomplish, over and above on-site power generation. We look at how microgrids can modernize power resources and discuss how a microgrid transformed Miramar Air Force Base in San Diego, CA.

Breaking Historical Power Norms: Energy and Resiliency as a Service: In the final article of our series, we discuss how new solutions around power and microgrids, such as energy and resiliency as a service, break legacy paradigms. We also separate fact from fiction when it comes to renewable natural gas.

Download the entire special report, “The State of the Grid: Improving Energy Solutions for Evolving Digital Infrastructure Power Needs courtesy of Enchanted Rock to learn more.

About the Author

Kathy Hitchens

Kathy Hitchens has been writing professionally for more than 30 years. She focuses on the renewable energy, electric vehicle, utility, data center, and financial services sectors. Kathy has a BFA from the University of Arizona and a MBA from the University of Denver.  

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