What it Takes to Build the Digital Tomorrow

June 20, 2022
Industry experts at Data Center Frontier and Switch discuss approaches to creating human-centric digital infrastructure technology solutions.

In a world full of uncertainty, leaders in the technology space were forced to scramble to keep up with new demands, remote workforces, and even higher requirements around digital infrastructure. Some started to sweat, while others kept their cool. Creating human-centric technology solutions is a multi-faceted approach requiring ingenuity, creativity, and a lot of thought leadership. All of those working with technologies in an uncertain world need to be sure that the solutions they’re relying on won’t fail. In fact, in some cases, lives depend on it.

Most recently, leaders in the technology space across all verticals have expanded their areas of focus to more markets, solutions, better ways they can positively impact the world. Focusing on healthcare, connectivity, and sustainability initiatives, this webinar will review real-world solutions that are impacting latency, healthcare infrastructure, and the future of sustainable digital architecture.

In this special webinar, you’ll hear from industry experts at Data Center Frontier, Switch and others as they discuss approaches to:

  • Improving sustainability and uptime including an exclusive look at Switch’s innovative solar + battery storage array
  • How to overcomes latency issues associated with a more distributed workforce
  • We’ll look at how the data center industry is helping industries like healthcare providers adapt to new normal and deliver life-changing telemedicine capabilities

The video includes a question and answer session that was recorded during the live webinar.

Featured speakers include:

Rich Miller, Editor-in-Chief, Data Center Frontier

Adam Kramer, Executive VP of Strategy, Switch

Bill Kleyman, EVP of Digital Solutions at Switch

Dr. Quinn Pauly, Chief Medical Officer, Switc

This video, recorded in September of 2020, is a part of Data Center Frontier’s webinar series featuring industry experts discussing a variety of topics relevant to the future of data centers and cloud computing. Look for more great premium video content from Data Center Frontier, as we continue to focus on what’s next for the internet, and the innovations that will take us there​​.

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