Managing IT Infrastructure Demanding for Today’s Data Centers

March 9, 2020
Managing an organization’s IT infrastructure is a demanding responsibility requiring experience, strategic thinking and the ability to balance current technology challenges and future opportunities. A new white paper shared results from a series of surveys Service Express deployed recently through t s2019 IT Priorities and Infrastructure Survey. . The company surveyed IT professionals on a variety of topics from changing technology to plans regarding the use of a hybrid approach to finding the optimal solutions within their data center environments. Download the full report today.

With the explosion of big data and its implications for tech professionals, it’s never been more important to optimize managing an organization’s IT infrastructure. IT professionals are having to constantly address new challenges and opportunities in connection to the operation and performance of their infrastructure.

Download the full report.

According to a new report from Service Express, “Managing an organization’s IT infrastructure is a demanding responsibility requiring experience, strategic thinking and the ability to balance current technology challenges and future opportunities.”

A new white paper shares results from the Service Express’  2019 IT Priorities and Infrastructure Survey. The company surveyed IT professionals on a variety of topics from changing technology to plans regarding the use of a hybrid approach to finding the optimal solutions within their data center environments.

This report dives deeper in particular into the findings and insights from both the CTO Jake Blough  and CIO Todd Piper of Service Express.

Service Express surveyed IT professionals on a variety of topics from changing technology to plans regarding the use of a hybrid approach to finding the optimal solutions within their data center environments. These findings can be useful  in understanding how IT professionals are prioritizing and acting on current and future needs and opportunities.

The survey, of more than 500 IT professionals in the U.S.,  objectives were to:

  •  Identify he top priorities and challenges of changing technologvin business that IT professionals are facing in the next 12-month cycle;
  • Share insights into current server deployment methods and anticipated changes;
  • Research the current outlook on strategic planning for data center infrastructure, colocation

Managing an organization’s IT infrastructure is a demanding responsibility requiring experience, strategic thinking and the ability to balance current technology challenges and future opportunities.

The full report provides insights that helps in understanding how IT professionals are prioritizing and acting on current and future challenges and opportunities.

The research in the report revealed important insights, including:

  • Security is the number one priority for IT professionals
  • The most influential driver affecting IT decision-makers is price
  • Disaster recovery continues to drive server deployment infrastructure strategies
  • A customized hybrid server deployment strategy will help meet customer needs

Some of the key findings included that according to the report, price is king; and  one of the biggest challenges faced by IT professionals is budgeting and cost reductions. Security, disaster recovery, colocation, hybrid strategy are key to success in 2020, too.

Download the new report, “Data Center & Infrastructure Report:  Priorities and the Outlook for 2020,” courtesy of Serve Express, to explore further how IT professionals are prioritizing and acting on current and future needs and opportunities.

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