Kirk Offel: Life Is Too Short. Find A Job You Love

Feb. 3, 2022
“Life is too short” to be working all day in a job you don’t like., says Kirk Offel, the CEO of Overwatch Mission Critical. We spoke with Kirk on the DCF Show in the midst of major shifts in the U.S. job market, with millions of workers reassessing their careers.

“Life is too short” to be working all day in a job you don’t like. That’s the message shared by Kirk Offel, the CEO of Overwatch Mission Critical, in our recent discussion on The Data Center Frontier Show. We spoke with Kirk in the midst of major shifts in the U.S. job market, with millions of workers reassessing their careers. The COVID-19 pandemic and shift to distributed work are prompting a deeper assessment of risk, reward and workplace satisfaction.

As a military veteran and cancer survivor, Offel says he has learned the value of making every day count. “I am stunned to discover how many people are miserable in what they do,” says Offel. “We live and work in an amazing industry. There’s tons of opportunity.”

It’s part of a larger podcast conversation about work, a sense of purpose, and Overwatch’s mission to place military veterans in careers in the data center industry. You can listen to the full DCF Show podcast.

About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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