Defining Four Edge Computing Archetypes and their Technology Requirements
Over the last several years, “edge computing” has become one of the most talked about trends in IT, and for good reason. Nearly every industry is recognizing the limitations of supporting users and emerging technologies through centralized IT infrastructures and is pushing storage and computing closer to users and devices.
That shift is becoming necessary because of the increased connectivity of devices and people and the huge volumes of data they generate and consume.
Vertiv edge experts, in conjunction with an independent third party consulting firm, analyzed the use cases that comprise the edge ecosystem to develop a better understanding of these differences and their implications for the supporting infrastructure. As a result of this analysis, we have identified four main edge computing archetypes for applications:
- Data Intensive
- Human-Latency Sensitive
- Machine-to-Machine-Latency Sensitive
- Life Critical
This paper presents a description of each archetype with examples of the most impactful use cases, along with an overview of their connectivity requirements to local, metro and regional hubs, which represent the edge transmission layer and core and are sometimes differentiated as edge, fog and cloud computing.
Download the new white paper from Vertiv to learn more about edge computing and the four edge archetypes the company has identified.