DCF Podcast: Data Center Cooling Trends

July 15, 2020
DCF Podcast Host Rich Miller talks with cooling expert Kevin Facinelli, President, Data Center Cooling at Nortek Air Solutions about the challenges of keeping servers cool as data centers get larger and taller. Also: Will vacant office space house servers in the post-COVID economy?

The Data Center Frontier Show podcast tells the story of the data center industry and its future. Our podcast is hosted by Rich Miller, editor of Data Center Frontier, who is your guide to the ongoing digital transformation.

DCF Podcast Episode 7: Data Center Cooling Trends

Host Rich Miller talks with cooling expert Kevin Facinelli, President, Data Center Cooling at Nortek Air Solutions about the challenges of keeping servers cool as data centers get larger and taller.  Also: Will vacant office space house servers in the post-COVID economy?

Rich and Kevin discuss key trends in data center cooling, including:

  • How to adapt cooling systems for hyperscale data center designs
  • The challenges of cooling servers in warm climates like Singapore
  • How Nortek’s StatePoint cooling solution addresses these challenges
  • Trends in rack power density, and how to manage them.
  • Will hotter, more powerful servers force a shift from air cooling to liquid cooling?
  • The strategic challenges the COVID-19 pandemic poses for data centers.
  • An opportunity in the work-from-home boom: Creating micro-data centers in vacant office space. Kevin discusses this trend, what he’s seeing, and what may lie ahead.

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