Data Centers in Space: The Space-Cloud Connection

Nov. 24, 2020
The cloud is extending to the stars. On the DCF Show Podcast, Rich Miller talks with satellite expert Doug Mohney about how Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure are using satellites to extend their cloud platforms beyond the atmosphere.

The Data Center Frontier Show podcast tells the story of the data center industry and its future. Our podcast is hosted by Rich Miller, editor of Data Center Frontier, who is your guide to the ongoing digital transformation.

Our topic today is the space-cloud connection. We’ll be talking with Doug Mohney, who writes about the intersection of space and the data center industry here at Data Center Frontier, as well as at Space IT  Bridge, a site Doug founded to the convergence of the space and IT sectors.

DCF Podcast Episode 10: Data Centers in Space

In our conversation today, Doug and I discuss how the satellite industry has evolved, some of the use cases that you’ll see between data centers and satellites, and how the largest cloud computing  players seek to extend the cloud beyond the atmosphere. Here’s our interview.

Listen to today’s show:

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About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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