Data Center Listening: Insights from Chris Malone, KC Mares, Mark Monroe

July 29, 2022
This week we kick off “Data Center Listening,” a regular update of worthwhile podcast episodes for professionals seeking to understand the data center industry. This week: Chats with industry veterans Chris Malone of Meta, Microsoft’s Mark Monroe, and KC Mares of C-Power.

This week we kick off “Data Center Listening,” a regular update of worthwhile podcast episodes for professionals seeking to understand the data center industry. I listen to a ton of podcasts about digital infrastructure, and am sharing my favorites with you.

  • What the Metaverse Means for Digital Infrastructure: This is the podcast for the Infrastructure Masons, and in this episode iMasons founder Dean Nelson speaks with Chris Malone, who played a major role in the development of hyperscale data centers at Google, and is now working at Meta to support the colossal growth of their infrastructure. It’s a look inside the world of hyperscale technology. iMasons’ Carrie Goetz and Simon Allen host the episode.
  • Changing the World, with KC Mares: On the Nomad Futurist podcast, hosts Nabeel Mahmood and Phillip Koblence speak with KC Mares, Director, Industry Strategy for Data Centers at C-Power Energy Management, who reflects on his work with Google, Yahoo and Tesla on changing paradigms for data centers and energy. KC has led the design of over $10 billion in data centers, and recently led factory engineering and battery cell production projects for Tesla.
  • Talking Hydrogen With Mark Monroe of Microsoft: This is an excellent discussion of the potential for using hydrogen fuel cells for backup power for data centers, with Monroe outlining how it works and Microsoft’s ambitions in it’s research and proof-of-concept deployments. Also, explana blue green and brown hydrogen, and why the difference matters. W Peter Judge
  • Welcome to the Interxchange: This podcast has been rebranded along with its sponsor, Hudson Interxchange (formerly DatGaryd). In this conversation, Hudson Interxchange   President and CEO Tom Brown speaks with Steven Marshall and Benn Mikula from Cordiant Digital Infrastructure. It’s a good introduction to the the Cordiant Digital Infrastructure principals, and their ambitions in US data center and interconnection market.

If you’re new to data center podcasts, you may want to check out two audio series that provide in-depth guides to digital infrastructure and how it works; Traceroute from Equinix  and Where the Internet Lives from Google (start with season 1).

And you should definitely subscribe to the Data Center Frontier Show podcast and check out our recent interview with Sabey Chief Revenue Officer Tim Mirick, who spoke with me about Sabey’s history in data center development, and its big expansion announcements for 2022 in Austin and Central Washington.

About the Author

Rich Miller

I write about the places where the Internet lives, telling the story of data centers and the people who build them. I founded Data Center Knowledge, the data center industry's leading news site. Now I'm exploring the future of cloud computing at Data Center Frontier.

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