Aligned Energy Aims to ‘Smarten’ Critical Infrastructure

Feb. 14, 2019
A new white paper from Aligned Energy — whose mission is in part to  is to make critical infrastructure smart enough to continuously improve both its economic performance and environmental impact — offers a financial analyst update on the company led by some of today’s top wholesale cololcation providers.

A new white paper from Aligned Energy — whose mission is in part to make critical infrastructure smart enough to continuously improve both its economic performance and environmental impact — offers a financial analyst update on the company.

Aligned Energy is managed by veterans of some of today’s top wholesale cololcation providers. Think names like Digital Realty, CyrusOne, QTS, and edgeconnex.

Download the full report.

For those unfamiliar with Aligned Energy’s goals, a primer: With the rise of 5G, AI, virtual reality and other new technology horizons, “customers are becoming increasingly aware of the potential limitations of the product offerings from entrenched providers that may arise given established, less flexible supply chains, and the relatively unpredictable nature of data flow.”

And today’s data center managers are looking to do more with less and less space. That’s according to the new report from Aligned Energy, which also states its offerings have been designed to allow their customers to place both low-density and high-density racks adjacent to one another in a given data hall. This helps enterprises to scale up by adding power rather than acquiring additional space. For Aligned Energy, adaptive technology and flexibility is key, as the data and IT worlds continue to evolve rapidly.

The Aligned Energy management team — covered in detail in the report — has been the primary driver of industry bookings over the past several periods. And according to the Financial Analyst Update, the company expects this trend to continue.

In the report, Aligned Energy focuses on its ability to “future-proof” the respective deployments of their clients and that of critical infrastructure. The company aims to do this via their platform, which stands on the four  below pillars or VSAS:

  • Velocity
  • Scalability
  • Adaptability
  • Sustainability

The paper also explores the drivers pushing the growth in popularity for Aligned Energy’s model — flexibility for dynamic loads that may not be suited for traditional providers’ infrastructure. One of the tech trends driving demand is the growth in hyperscale. According to the report, over the last four quarters, hyperscale revenue growth has averaged 24% year-over-year.

Aligned Energy also provides an update on its markets and status in these markets. The company touts 550 MW of capacity between existing and expansion facilities across Dallas, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Northern Virginia. The company is exploring additional markets, as well.

For a full-picture view of Aligned Energy, its platform and position in the market, see the latest “Aligned Energy Financial Analyst Update.” 

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